016 460 110
031 859 7722
If you leave from the town center you should follow Google Maps, Nibi Spa is located on the same riverside as Kampot, just go north from the riverside road. The last 2 km is not paved. At that point, you can follow our street signs over Google Maps.
Here's a tuktuk phone number that we recommend 086772516, he speaks english.
Grab app is a cheaper option and it works well. Passapp also works but their app will bring you on the opposite side of the river where you'll need to take the ferry to cross over to our side. Some tuktuk drivers might try to get some more money from you saying that it's far and the road is bad, don't get into that, the road as recently improved, no need to pay extra.
Do not hesitate to contact us for any more details.
By tuktuk, Passapp, Grab motobike, car or bicycle
By the ferry
Get to the Kampot Komchai Ferry by The Tuek Chou Road, by motobike or tuktuk. If you are riding a motobike, you can put your motobike on the ferry for 2000r. If you are riding a tuktuk, ask the driver to drop you off at the ferry, the ferry goes back and forth all day, just jump on it on one side and off on the other side. Follow the signs, we are about 100 meters away from the ferry. Here's the pin point to the Kampot Komchai ferry.
By the river
Double the enjoyment and get a private boat transfer from town or a guesthouse by the river. The 30 minute ride will bring you to the spa by the magnificient Tuek Chou River. On your way you will see; mangroves, fishing villages, exotic Nipa palms, beautiful views of Bokor mountains and much more. Reservation needed, price varies depending on your location.